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Friday, 13 September 2019
This Week's Top Stories About best protein bars BAResult

You will find several themes.

I want to remind every one the premise with this site is Unhealthy Soil = Unhealthy Plants and Animals = Unhealthy People.

Bearing that in mind, lets discuss meat, poultry, fish and meat substitutes. I read an article by some well meaning one who was bragging that soy and poultry are good!

If you regard our ancestors evolved from the last 10,000 years, you will realize they ate non-chemical meats, berries, and nuts things that they might for age. They ate algae, buffalo, birds as well as also other kinds of meat. Is which they certainly were grass fed and filled up with Omega IIIs as well as different beneficial essential fatty acids. However primitive it had been , that they caught fish. In case these were inland it was water, but should they were near into the ocean it was sea-food.

The property has been untouched and the best whey protein BAResult the dinosaurs and other vegetation grew and died and went back to the soil year in, year out. Because of the, the fish by the fish and creatures in the streams (or seafood ) were filled with trace minerals. With this particular combination, we'd individuals, healthy plants and animals, and also nutritious soil.

Fast forward to the present -- exactly what exactly do we have today? Grain-fed compound beef, chemical poultry, malignant fish out of fresh drinking water, toxic sea-food, no trace minerals in fruits and vegetables, and genetically engineered grains grown with toxic fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides.

We see a variety of articles Nogii indicating that poultry is fitter than beef. Before you receive all warm and fuzzy with this idea, think about the things that get into poultry diets and the cattle before they get into a grocery store shelves.

In my next newsletter sick speak about those diet plans and what the cows and chickens go through before you bring them home to dinner. It will not be delectable.

Posted by marioansd162 at 3:57 AM EDT
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